New Way to Find Emails:
Topic-Based Search

Get Your 60 Free Emails Now!

*Not for searching someone’s name.
*For email marketing and lead generation.
*Designed for creating large email lists.

How Does Emfito Work?


Enter a topic-related word


Emfito searches for websites that match your topic and their emails


You get a list of domains and emails to use with any email campaign software

Topic-Based Search

Real-Time Fast Results

Revolutionary Approach

Topic-Based Search

Real-Time Fast Search

Revolutionary Approach

Get More Emails for Your Money!

Custom Plans

Let's make a plan that fits you. We're generous and ready to help!

Get More Emails for Your Money!

Free Credits


No Card Needed



Per month, Billed monthly



Per month, Billed monthly



Per month, Billed monthly

Custom Plans

Let's make a plan that fits you. We're generous and ready to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Emfito searches the internet for websites related to the topic you enter. It then uses special methods to find email addresses from these websites and shows them to you in a simple, easy-to-use way.

The main purpose of Emfito is to find email addresses. We do perform some checks to verify emails, but it’s not our primary focus. We are actively working to improve how we verify emails to make sure they can receive messages.

There are no restrictions on the types of domains Emfito can search for. It has the capability to find email addresses on any live website, regardless of the domain type.

If Emfito doesn’t find an email for a domain initially, it learns from the search to improve its accuracy for future attempts. Users are only charged credits when an email is found, encouraging efficient use of the tool.

Yes, you can easily export the found email addresses for further use. We also provide a simplified export option for seamless integration with outreach tools.

Yes, we offer a complimentary trial with 60 credits, no strings attached and no credit card required. This lets you fully explore the tool’s capabilities firsthand.

Ready to try? Start for free with no card needed and no obligation.
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