How to Use Emfito for SEO Backlinks

Let’s say you want to maximize your backlink acquisition outreach, aiming to reach as many beneficial domains as possible to enhance your website’s SEO.

How would you start gathering websites? Pay for expensive SEO/SEM tools just for a list of websites?

And how would you find their emails? Manually? Pay for another tool just to find their email?

These are common challenges that many of us face when trying to build high-quality backlinks.

Fortunately, Emfito offers an effective and affordable solution.

Understanding Topic-Based Email Finder

Our Topic-Based Email Finder is designed to address the exact challenges of finding relevant websites and their contact emails effortlessly.
This tool simplifies the process by utilizing advanced search algorithms to locate websites and their email addresses across various countries and languages.

By entering specific keywords related to your industry or niche, the tool generates a list of relevant websites and their corresponding email addresses.

These emails go through a verification process to ensure you won’t send messages to invalid inboxes.

You can also add the specific top-level domain (TLD) of the country you need websites in, and the tool will do the rest, providing you with a highly relevant list of sites to reach out to for potential cooperation.

Let’s See It in Action: A Step-by-Step Example

Let’s walk through a practical example of using Emfito.
Imagine you run a cryptocurrency blog called “,” and you’re looking to boost your website’s SEO through strategic backlinking. Here’s how you can effectively use Emfito:

1. Identify Your Target Keywords

Start by identifying the specific topics or keywords related to the crypto industry that you want to target. Examples include:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Crypto
  • Bitcoin
  • Blockchain

2. Use Topic-Based Email Finder

With your target keywords ready, follow these steps on Emfito:

  • Enter the Keywords: In the search field, enter your specific keywords, such as “crypto” or “blockchain.”
  • Specify the TLD (if needed): If you’re targeting websites in a specific country, add the relevant top-level domain (e.g., “” for the UK, “.de” for Germany).
  • Specify the Number of Websites and Emails: Input the number of websites and emails you wish to find based on your credit allocation.
  • Start the Search: Click the search button to let the tool scan the web for matching websites and their email addresses; the list will be ready in approximately 1-4 minutes.
  • Review and Export the List: The tool will provide you with a list of verified email addresses and associated websites that meet your specified criteria. Once you have the desired list of websites and emails, you can export it for further use.

3. Craft Your Outreach Email

Once you have the verified email addresses, craft a personalized and compelling outreach email. Here are some tips:

  • Introduce Yourself: Use your persona as the founder or editor of “” to establish credibility.
  • Provide Value: Say that you’ll be able to provide high-quality content relevant to their readership; in exchange, you’ll place a link to your blog.
  • Offer Something of Value: Offer something of value in exchange, such as a submission fee, for example.

4. Start Your Outreach Campaign

Begin your outreach campaign by sending emails manually or utilizing tools like SalesHandy.
Start with a small batch to keep your email healthy. As you see results and gauge responses, gradually increase the number of emails you send.

5. Follow Up Strategically

Feel free to follow up with recipients up to 2-3 times.
Start with the first follow-up after 3 days, and then follow up again within a week if you haven’t received a response.

Persistence can often yield positive results without being intrusive.

6. Track Your Progress

Keep track of your outreach efforts and responses using a CRM tool or spreadsheet.
This will help you stay organized and take your backlinking campaign to the next level!


Using Emfito for your SEO backlink strategy can significantly enhance your outreach efforts by providing accurate and verified email addresses.
By following these steps and applying them to your own website, you can effectively contact industry influencers and websites, increase your chances of acquiring high-quality backlinks, and improve your website’s SEO performance.

Start leveraging the power of Emfito today and watch your backlink profile grow!